How do you apply natural surf wax?

Sometimes we need to make slight changes to our routine to go eco-friendly.
KIKI Natural Surf Wax won’t work as well on top of your traditional (paraffin) surf wax because they have different consistencies. We suggest using our base coat for greatest traction, permanent bumps, and long-term stick.

Bonus tip: Dip your surfboard in the ocean and reapply the top coat before your first session to ensure your bumps are fully formed and sticky!

If you use only KIKI surf wax, you can scrape off your old KIKI surf wax when the seasons change and make a candle out of your used wax!

  • Leave your surfboard out in direct sunlight to help melt the surf wax off your board. Then take the flat part of a wax scraper (or an old credit card, spatula, etc.) to scrape off that gooey grey sludge. Use an old rag dipped in hot water to get the rest of the old wax off so you have a clean slate for KIKI.

  • On a fresh and clean surfboard, apply KIKI base coat where your feet will go. We recommend drawing a checkered pattern with about 3cm between lines, going over each line twice.

    Once you have your checker pattern, gently and quickly rub base coat over the checkers in circular motions.

  • On top of your KIKI base coat, apply the KIKI surf wax appropriate to the temperature conditions you’ll be surfing in. We recommend doing this inside or in the shade.
    Quickly and gently (no need to press down super hard creating friction) rub your top coat, cool or cold water wax, in circular motions or back and forth to create those sticky bumps you know and love.
    Take your time to really make sure you have enough surf wax on your board.